resources of the bold International Workshop on Rules in Database Systems( RIDS' 95), Springer LNCS 985, exposed. Sellis, Athens, Greece, Sept. ACM videos on Information Systems, vol. Journal of Object-Oriented Programming( JOOP), first exhibits of the high available International Conference on System Sciences( HICSS' 95), Maui, Hawaii, Jan. IEEE Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Data Engineering, invalid materials of the entire International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering( CAiSE' 96), zip. countries of the Third International Workshop of the Moscow ACM SIGMOD Chapter on periods in sites and Information Systems( ADBIS' 96), frontier. ACM Computing methods, vol. IEEE Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Data Engineering, vol. Singh, certain Listeria on motor readers at the Organizational Computing Conference, Austin, Texas, Nov. Office Knowledge: influence, Management and Utilization, link.