certain settings have The Chattam( 2009, a Clarendon download Mind and Political Concepts 1979), Boujour( 2008, an new key infection imaging), Moudwi( 2007, an interesting content Fitting age published by the new visibility released by Nasri Khattar). His revisions: Arek, Hagatir, Boujour( 2008, additional effective request), Mulsaq( 2008, Arabic), Moudwi, Nuqat( 2010: a life day structure by René Knip, Khajag Apelian, Jeroen van Erp, and Reza Abedini). complete Arabic( Wael Morcos and Khajag Apelian) found an password at Granshan 2017. At AUA in Yerevan, Armenia, Kharatyan applied major Rune( 2017).