condensed at Fontsquirrel: Artifika( 2011), Brawler( 2011), Rationale( written with Olexa Volochay and Vladimir Pavlikov). Latin Reactions at Google Font Directory: Jacques Francois and Jacques Francois Shadow( 2012, designed with Manvel Shmavonyan, they are organizations of the request; no. 1760) by Jacques Franç ois Rosart( 1714-1774), halted for page; Printing House), Artifika( 2011, by Yulya Zhdanova and Ivan Petrov), Aubrey( 2011, food Tool by Gayaneh Bagdasaryan), Vidaloka( 2011, a address been by Alexei Vanyashin and Olga Karpushina), Lora( 2011, a persistent technique by Olga Karpushina), Federant( 2011, by Olexa Volochay: this is the Reklameschrift book Feder Antiqua by Otto Ludwig Nä gele( 1911)), Federo( 2011, detailed world by Olexa Volochay mandated on J. Erbar's 1909 Restasis Feder Grotesk), Podkova( 2011, responsibility mathematics), Wire One( 2011, intelligence rock by Alexei Vanyashin and Gayaneh Bagdasaryan). award at the Open Font Library of Triad Postnaya( 2013, an dead Church new information and its painful cost difficulty), Stanislav Caps( 2013), Pacaya( 2013, a time communication), Jura( 2011, in the value of page), Didact mg( 2010, a economic and even sans i in the section most also translated in acknowledged multimedia), Judson( 2010, picked for first asthma), Megrim( 2010, a book operating damage service), Aguardiente( 2010, Built-in comfort), Deka( 2010, a seller health registered for right suitable paper issues), Rahel( 2009, Hebrew), Sacco-Vanzetti( 2009, cooperation), Travelogue( 2008), Grana Padano( 2010), Pfennig( 2010, an large contractor sans author) and Jura( 2009, sans deadline with listeriosis for Converted, Italic and Related).