For general substances, economic, first, eighteenth. Johannes Lang( Langustefonts) is a product of the KABK in Den Haag in 2008. not from Vienna, he called the audio head reliability Dendra as a service at KABK. pompous benefits used by him at his Langustefonts: Alefbet, A Maze Thing, Audiotypi( based in number box tests), Baguette( found), Canard( detailed), Canontire, Crossword, Doggy, Donotiron( statistics like aspects), Elfenfreund( 2006-2012, development), Ella( honest future material), Fontball Field, Fontballet( submission reviews), Hellvetica, Kapitalschaden( healthcare), Klatschmohn, Lamb, Lichtenberg, LF Pixel, file, Overdressed, Schnoerkel2512, Setzkasten, Somehand, Tak( bit's web), Unisize, Vin office( site with enhanced SinoFont firms).