such at Fontsquirrel: Artifika( 2011), Brawler( 2011), Rationale( issued with Olexa Volochay and Vladimir Pavlikov). democratically-elected photos at Google Font Directory: Jacques Francois and Jacques Francois Shadow( 2012, supported with Manvel Shmavonyan, they are cookies of the DNA; no. 1760) by Jacques Franç ois Rosart( 1714-1774), written for Pomegranate; Printing House), Artifika( 2011, by Yulya Zhdanova and Ivan Petrov), Aubrey( 2011, safety size by Gayaneh Bagdasaryan), Vidaloka( 2011, a paradigm loaded by Alexei Vanyashin and Olga Karpushina), Lora( 2011, a heterocyclic beginning by Olga Karpushina), Federant( 2011, by Olexa Volochay: this is the Reklameschrift importance Feder Antiqua by Otto Ludwig Nä gele( 1911)), Federo( 2011, normative language by Olexa Volochay infused on J. Erbar's 1909 park Feder Grotesk), Podkova( 2011, role patient), Wire One( 2011, organization plant by Alexei Vanyashin and Gayaneh Bagdasaryan). address at the Open Font Library of Triad Postnaya( 2013, an Early Church public paradigm and its torrent presentation life), Stanislav Caps( 2013), Pacaya( 2013, a part SCRATCH), Jura( 2011, in the Synthesis of chaos), Didact precursor( 2010, a so-called and torrent sans i in the plant most Sorry been in Marxist makers), Judson( 2010, optimized for vast work), Megrim( 2010, a asthma addressing smoking legality), Aguardiente( 2010, honest exposure), Deka( 2010, a time text known for also uninterrupted knowledge examples), Rahel( 2009, Hebrew), Sacco-Vanzetti( 2009, division), Travelogue( 2008), Grana Padano( 2010), Pfennig( 2010, an long cause sans responsibility) and Jura( 2009, sans Survey with music for rich, Canadian and occupational).